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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

fat, Fat, FAT!

I'm only two days into my second week and already planning for the next phase of this diet. I miss fat, and Phase 3 incorporates more fat and protein, with a ban on sugar and starch (until Phase 4, then in moderation of course). So one goes from a very regimented, strict, low calorie diet to one that does not restrict fat or protein at all. I'm dreaming of salmon and cheese, coconut oil and almond butter. lol! Of course it has to be the GOOD fats. Good fat you say? Why would you want to eat MORE fat when you're trying to LOSE fat? Well let me step up on this box and I'll tell you...

Dietary fat is NOT the enemy! Carbs make people fat. As I said before, I quit dieting years ago because every time I did I got fatter, and once I did my weight stabilized. Ridiculous, right? No willpower, right? WRONG. The low-fat/no-fat craze is what has sent the obesity rates climbing in the last several decades.

The Harvard School of Public Health has put out an article about fats and cholesterol. In it are the following statistics:

Back in the 1960's, when Americans were eating 45% fat, 13% were obese and less than 1% had diabetes.

Currently, reducing dietary fat consumption to 33% has resulted in 34% obesity rates and 8% diabetes incidence.
Appalling! Clearly, *something* is wrong with our current diet based on the completely backward Food Guide Pyramid, which was developed back in the 1960's. An interesting correlation, yes? It has come under harsh criticism in recent years based on more up-to-date research. Again - dietary fat is NOT the enemy.

I have learned so much in the last few years from friends I've found in a few neighborhood food buying clubs. We pool our resources, buy in bulk from wholesalers and direct from farmers, fishermen and ranchers for everything from fresh produce and dairy products, sea salt and coconut oil to grass fed beef and salmon. I was introduced to Sally Fallon and her book "Nourishing Traditions" and the Weston A. Price Foundation, which are going to great lengths to correct the misinformation the FDA has been pushing for 50 years.

I could go on and on, but I need to go eat. lol!

Ah, that beloved was getting dusty. ;)

With that said - I dropped another 2.5 pounds yesterday, bringing my total up to 12 pounds in 8 days. WOW. I'm not starving either, I feel pretty good! And with the following quote, I bid you good night!

"Be careful about reading health books.
You may die of a misprint." -Mark Twain


Just_Jeannette said...

Great Blog! Very motivating!'
I'm only on P2D2 but feeling great! Good read about the fats.

Healthy Weight Revolution said...

Hi Jeannette, thanks for your comments! I know at some point I'll stall, feel tempted to cheat, maybe even cheat...but the weight dropping off early on is cause for celebration. :) I also am comforted that P2 is actually very short. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Hi Amy,

Have you looked at the Christian Walker hcg site? He agrees with you about the obesity of America coinciding with the reduction in fats. He suggests a fat/protein/carb ratio that I'm going to explore, post-hcg.


Healthy Weight Revolution said...

I haven't seen his work, but I'm going to go search! Fat is essential for normal, metabolic activity and without it we're not going to be very healthy and we're going to be FAT. :)