Food is a powerful drug that is readily accessible and relatively cheap. While it might be more fashionable to be a skinny cocaine addict, being fat seems to be one of those things that people of integrity, education and will-power simply don't DO. Of course those of us who ARE fat know this isn't true - that the extra pounds aren't about will power or ignorance. Most fat folks are quite educated about diet and exercise. We've been down that road more than a few times, and honestly it's insulting to receive "dieting tips" or "helpful suggestions" from the Thin and Patronizing. Yes, you may be well-intentioned with your comments of "support" but it ISN'T helpful to hear what worked for your neighbor or what you did when you had to drop those 5 pounds that you just couldn't lose after pregnancy. Pah-leeeese.
That said – I’m an addict and I want a fix. My body is slowly detoxing from grains and sugar. Being gluten-free, I’ve already cut a lot of grains out of my diet, but I’m a semi-regular consumer of brown rice and quinoa, and rarely gluten-free oats. But I’m HUNGRY. I’m thinking about food I haven’t eaten in over a year! Cereal, donuts, REAL pizza crust, French bread, chocolate cake. Holy Mother of God I want to eat carbs right now! As bad as it feels, I will feel worse if I give in. I know it! The few times I’ve eaten gluten over the last15 months I have regretted it with increased swelling and pain, headaches and more. I won’t be eating carbs or sugar for another 4-6 weeks while on the protocol, and through Phase 3 stabilization until I hit Phase 4 and maintenance.
I’ve known people who have done drastic diets and had surgery, losing a ton of weight in the process, only to find themselves back where they started and worse after a few years because they DIDN’T DEAL WITH THEIR SHIT and issues with food. No diet will work until the emotional component is addressed. I know this. I’ve tried to do this before and failed. Sometimes I wish I WERE a drug addict instead of obese. At least then my health insurance would pay for me to have counseling and rehab. People would be supportive and understanding, at least in the sense of how addiction works. They would (hopefully) not go to bars or crack houses with me, they wouldn’t offer me the random blunt or needle. Go to a meeting with me perhaps.
But fatties? “Put the fork down you cow!” “Show some self-control!” “Reduce calories and exercise for Pete’s sake!” “Get your lard ass out of the chair and at least walk around the block.” These are mostly the things I hear in my mind, but I have to believe I’m not unique in the self-abuse I heap on myself. The ironic thing is that nobody would ever say “Got a problem with food? Then just stay out of the grocery store, restaurant, pantry, refrigerator.” “I’ll sit here and not eat food with you.” “We’re not serving food at our dinner party because we know how difficult it is for you.” It all sounds on the edge of insanity, doesn’t it? ;)
What I know to be true about myself is that I have deep, inner reserves of strength that come out in the midst of crisis when someone I care about is hurting. I am not a weak person; I have determination and drive in many situations. Well right now I am the one hurting, so where is my compassion and strength for myself? I’m doing my best, one day at a time as they say, sometimes it’s only one meal at a time. I’m still showing up and doing the work, and it sucks and is hard. The other thing I know is that I AM WORTH IT. I'll show up again tomorrow, promise.
Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says "I will try again tomorrow".
~Mary Anne Radmacher
Hi Amy,
I came to read your blog because you were the only person from the hcgnewbies group who stepped up and said hello when I introduced myself (besides Terri, of course, the saint of patient moderators.) You told me to get that 100 ounces of water in. I needed that encouragement because I only did 60 again today and now my lips are cracked, so I KNOW I'm dehydrated.
I enjoyed your blog very much. I, too, am thrilled about finding this diet for so many reasons, not the least being the hope of destroying those fat cells rather than just leaving them empty and eager to refill at the first opportunity.
I'm happy to find someone else at roughly my same weight, starting at the same time as I am. And I'm amused to see the 3a.m. posts, which is also something we have in common. Finally, your first commenter was from St. Louis, which is my spot,too. You guys are my PEEPS!
Looking forward to following along on your journey through this blog.
Best regards,
Glad you found my here Candace! This blog has definitely been helpful in sorting out all the emotional junk that comes up with food. It also helps to have fellow travelers who really get the struggle. I know I'm not alone! Be well!
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